Burnaby, British Columbia needed a new daycare facility that would allow children to grow, learn and play, with dedicated space for both children and daycare staff safely and comfortably.
Our customer needed the space to feature an open concept, but also have plenty of storage options. Staff needed office space that permitted full visibility of the children at all times, along with amenities that could accommodate both children and adults. The client also required energy efficiency that exceeded the building code and was placed on a permanent, concrete foundation. After deciding that modular would be the best solution for their project needs, they reached out to our Britco office in Langley.
Quick Facts
Industry: Education Building Use: Daycare Number of Modules: 4 Size of Project: 2,016 sq. ft. Completion time: 14 months
A modern, fully accessible and environmentally conscious daycare centre with custom space-saving solutions and open concept layout
Britco worked with the client to develop an attractive daycare that met all of the project needs, from peak energy efficiency and code compliance to accessibility and layout. The building features a beautiful front entryway and an exterior façade sided horizontally in one colour and vertically in another. The interior features an open concept layout with glazed doors and walls – doors and walls with glass windows – allowing managers to easily supervise the children. Built-in cabinetry for equipment, clothing, shoes and kitchenware storage eliminates the need for outsourced storage. The building is equipped with staff and children-sized washrooms, a high-efficiency HVAC system, modern and efficient LED lighting throughout and lots of windows to allow natural lighting inside and provide views of the surroundings.
The exterior walls and the roof were all constructed with insulation in the framing cavity, covered by a layer of continuous insulation air barrier on the exterior, resulting in an R-value of R32 in the walls and R60 in the roof. Finally, the modules were set on a site-built concrete foundation with a 3’ crawl space, which provides a solid and stable placement for the building and access to all parts of the building for future maintenance as required.