Container offices are solid steel boxes with steel screens over the windows and steel lockboxes over the doors. They can be used as secure storage or as a durable office or meeting space.
A secure container office, or "Bulldog", is ideal for use as a jobsite office, security building, administrative office, or as a storage facility to keep sensitive documents, valuable equipment and other important items secure in your absence.
You can easily upgrade your container office by adding a convenient package of practical furnishings, so your space is ready to use as soon as installation is complete. Container offices are also delivered with a lockbox and optional bracket-mounted shelving.
Container offices from Britco are excellent quality, clean, affordable and carefully serviced by our attentive team.
Britco offers a variety of table and chair packages to pick from if you require seating for a lunchroom, meeting space, conference space, or for any other purpose.
This package includes all your office essentials, including a desk and pedestal, chair, floor mat and garbage can. We also have other add-on products for extra comfort, decoration and more.
Our team of modular building specialists can help make sure you have everything you need for the exterior of your building, including mats, boot scrapers, stairs, ramps, and canopies.